What our clients say?

ब्लिस आयुर्वेदा हेल्थ विलेज में पुरे एक सप्ताह का स्वस्थ्य लाभ का अवसर सुखद एवं प्रशंसनीय रहा | स्वयं डॉ . नितिन अग्गरवाल का पूरा परिवार परिसर में कौटुम्बिक अनुश्रुति देता है डॉ . रवि का परामर्श सभी टेक्निशंस एवं कर्मचारी दक्ष होने के साथ साथ सहृदय हैं | बेहतरीन अनुभव | बारम्बार यात्रा की कामना | धन्यवाद् |

(In Bliss Ayurveda Health Village, the opportunity for health benefits of one week was pleasant and appreciable. Dr.Nitin Aggarwal’s entire family offers family like warmth and make you feel at home. Dr. Ravi’s consultancy along with all the technicians and staff being proficient in their work and very polite. Great experience. Wish to visit again and again. Thank you.)
(Rashtriya Pravakta BJP)
Mumbai, India
Chtěl bych poděkovat za příležitost navštívit Bliss Ayurveda Health Village. Příjemná atmosféra převládající na klinice je umocněna profesionálními dovednostmi a laskavou péčí o personál. Klinika je oáza v krásné lokalitě New Delhi, kterou byste zde nečekali. Relaxace a léčba je darem pro všechny, kteří pečují o své zdraví a osobní rozvoj.

(I would like to thank for the opportunity to visit Bliss Ayurveda Health Village. The pleasant atmosphere prevailing in the clinic is enhanced by professional skill and kind care of the staff. The clinic is an oasis in a beautiful New Delhi location you would not expect here. Relaxation and Treatment is a gift for all who care for their health and personal development.)
(Psychologist and Ayurveda Health Care Practitioner)
Prague, Czech Republic
Eine erstaunliche klinik und hervorragende Einrichtungen. Deshalb besuche ich die Bliss Ayurveda Health Village jedes Jahr für mindestens 2 Wochen. Danke fur alles.

(An amazing clinic and outstanding facilities. Therefore, I visit Bliss Ayurveda Health Village every year for minimum 2 weeks. Thank you for everything)
Dr. Stephania Lorenz
(Ophthalmologist and Ayurveda Practitioner)
Ingolstadt, Germany
I am very grateful to everybody. Thank you all from the deepest heart. The treatments were really great. My special thanks to the technicians who work from heart. I had a very good room and wonderful food.
Dr. Martina Hoisl
(Medical Doctor and Psychiatrist)
Zurich, Switzerland
As always we were surrounded by love and care both during Panchkarma treatments and delicious Ayurveda food. Thanks cordially Dr. Nitin and Bliss Ayurveda Team.
(Medical Doctor and Celebrity Speaker)
Bagdad, Iraq
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